
  • Download Ceephax Acid Crew Rar
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 18. 18:34

    Review Summary: More complete, more musical, more accessible.Ceephax Acid Crew isn’t exactly a house-hold name. There are few people who have heard of Andy Jenkinson’s one-man cheese factory (yes, the brother of Tom Jenkinson aka Squarepusher) and I’d be willing to bet that many of those who have aren’t huge fans of his brand of old-school acid house. For some there is a beauty to be found in the fizzy layers of 303 synths and vintage drum machines although, in the eyes and ears of this reviewer, there has always been a problem with the consistency of Ceephax Acid Crew releases. Whilst most of the EPs and albums always contain one or two catchy tunes there is usually an awful lot of crap present which can only be enjoyed under an altered state of consciousness. That’s why fans of the ‘Crew should all be very happy about this album as it shows Andy Jenkinson at his most mature and complete, allowing the listener to enjoy the entire work without the assistance of psychotropics. Although if that’s what you’re into then I have a suspicion that you’ll definitely enjoy this album.The most obvious and immediate thing to be said about this album is that Andy has finally discovered his own sound. Beautifully produced and mastered instrumental arrangements of signature cornier-than-corn 303 synth sequences, squelchy bass lines, sweeping chiptune arpeggios and beefy analogue drum sounds run throughout the whole album, creating a sense of development, of musical narrative.

    Download Ceephax Acid Crew Rar

    Download Ceephax Acid Crew Rar Free

    This is then perhaps a concept album which, instead of telling a story through some arbitrary artistic intent, unfolds for the listener by way of musicality and instrumentation a wholly personal experience. Haunting melodies mutate into uplifting hooks as each track seamlessly moves into the next, every single one strangely recognisable yet unique, reminiscent of a time when electronic music was about music instead of technical ability.So what of the individual pieces? There are some real stand-out tracks.

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